Why don’t you come along and enjoy a friendly day of making lace with Preston Lacemakers. Page down to see our forthcoming meetings and other events.
Annual membership fee:
Adults: Lace Guild members £30, Others £32.25
Young lacemakers (under 16): £1.00
Visitors (non-members)
Adults: First meeting free, £4 per meeting for up to 2 more meetings
under 16 years old: free for up to 3 meetings
Hot water urn, milk, tea and coffee are provided for members to make themselves a drink. Biscuits are also provided. Members usually bring their own cup and lunch, but if you forget, there are spare cups available and shops near the hall.
Library and Sales Table
The group has many lace books and DVDs available for members to borrow. There is also a sales table where members and visitors can buy pre-loved items.
For more information, contact Christine Keber, telephone 01772 339913 or email prestonlacemakers@yahoo.com.
Find us Google Maps
All workshops will commence at 12:30, speakers will commence at 13:30 unless otherwise noted
2 December 2023: Meeting
4 February 2024: Meeting
4 March 2024: AGM